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Arabidopsis seedlings growing in the College of Charleston greenhouse.

Photo credit: Anna Matthews (CofC)

Arabidopsis thaliana is a small dicotyledonous  flowering plant with a relatively short life cycle.  Seeds from Arabidopsis can germinate rapidly, and the plant is able to go through its entire life cycle in as little as six weeks.

Arabidopsis floral meristem.

Photo credit: Anna Matthews (CofC)

Arabidopsis flowers include four basic organs, sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels, arranged as a series of whorls.  Developing flowers generally include (from outwards in) four sepals, six petals and six stamens arranged around a central carpel.

Undergraduates working in the new College of Charleston Greenhouse.

Photo credit: Anna Matthews (CofC)

CofC undergraduates collecting seeds and evaluating plants for harvesting September 2011 after the Summer 2011 farmout of hundreds of Arabidopsis T-DNA mutant lines.

Arabidopsis silique.

Photo credit: Anna Matthews (CofC)

Arabidopsis fruits, called siliques, form from the fertilized gynoecium and typically contain 20-30 seeds. When mature, siliques dry out, turn brown, and dehisce (the walls of the fruit open to release the enclosed seeds) releasing seeds into the environment. (for more information see: Roeder, AHK and Yanofsky, MF (2006) Fruit development in Arabidopsis. The Arabidopsis Book: 4).

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